Torch Lens Maker is designed to support many surfaces. Currently supported are:
- CircularPlane: A circular planar surface (aka a disk)
- Sphere: with curvature parameterization
- SphereR: Sphere with radius parameterization
- Parabola: A parabola on the X axis
- Asphere: The asphere model often used in optics
Work in progress
More surface types coming soon, hopefully 😁 I also want to document how to add custom surfaces easily, as a lot of work as gone into that while designing the library. Basically any sag function
import torchlensmaker as tlm
surface = tlm.CircularPlane(diameter=4.0)
optics = tlm.Sequential(
tlm.Turn((45, 0)),
tlm.show2d(optics, end=5)
A section of a sphere, parameterized by signed curvature. Curvature is the inverse of radius: C = 1/R.
This parameterization is useful because it enables clean representation of an infinite radius section of sphere (which is really a plane), and also enables changing the sign of C during optimization.
In 2D, this surface is an arc of circle. In 3D, this surface is a section of a sphere (wikipedia calls it a "spherical cap")
For high curvature arcs (close to a half circle), it's better to use the SphereR class which uses radius parameterization and polar distance functions. In fact this class cannot represent an exact half circle (R = D/2) due to the gradient becoming infinite, use SphereR instead.
import torchlensmaker as tlm
surface = tlm.Sphere(diameter=10, R=-25)
optics = tlm.Sequential(
tlm.Turn((20, 0)),
tlm.show2d(optics, end=12)
tlm.show3d(optics, end=12)
A section of a sphere, parameterized by signed radius.
This parameterization is useful to represent high curvature sections including a complete half-sphere. However it's poorly suited to represent low curvature sections that are closer to a planar surface.
In 2D, this surface is an arc of circle. In 3D, this surface is a section of a sphere (wikipedia call it a "spherical cap")
import torchlensmaker as tlm
surface1 = tlm.SphereR(diameter=10, R=5)
surface2 = tlm.SphereR(diameter=10, R=-5)
optics = tlm.Sequential(
tlm.show2d(optics, end=12)
tlm.show3d(optics, end=12)
A parabolic surface on the X axis:
import torchlensmaker as tlm
surface = tlm.Parabola(diameter=10, A=0-.03)
optics = tlm.Sequential(
tlm.show2d(optics, end=4)
tlm.show3d(optics, end=4)
The typical Aphere model, with a few changes:
- X is the principal optical axis in torchlensmaker
- Internally, the radius parameter R is represented as the curvature
, to allow changing the sign of curvature during optimization - k is the conic constant
In 2D, the derivative with respect to r is:
In the 3D rotationally symmetric case, we have
The derivative with respect to y (or z, by symmetry) is:
import torchlensmaker as tlm
surface = tlm.Asphere(diameter=30, R=-15, K=-1.6, A4=0.00012)
optics = tlm.Sequential(
tlm.RefractiveSurface(surface, material="water-nd"),
tlm.show2d(optics, end=10)
tlm.show3d(optics, end=10)